Who is the most hated celebrity in the world?

Winnie Mandela died almost a year ago.

In terms of genuinely global coverage/awareness to use the word “celebrity” for the males it could be a toss up between Donald Trump or Justin Bieber. But some people would argue only the English speaking parts of the world know who Justin Bieber is. Some would say R Kelly but actually he is still selling music despite his personal life becoming very public.

Among the females of our blue planet it is harder to tell who is genuinely “hated” in the truest sense.

There are some prominent feminists that are utterly hated on social media but who are virtually unknown outside of university campuses.

There are female politicians and celebrities and journalists that are openly mocked globally for their known work.

There are musicians whose music quite frankly is so awful you need to stuff tampons in your ears in case your ears start bleeding.

But it's not cool to “hate” women as we live in an utterly gynocentric world.

But if you want suggestions of some women on the planet who deserve the most hated title?

I have some suggestions.

Arlene Foster, of Northern Ireland. Her stubbornness and abhorrent beliefs have helped stall the Irish peace process whilst propping up an idiotic Tory British Government.

Which leads me to Theresa May. Worst Home Secretary we ever had and the worst Prime Minister we currently still have. She is even worse than Lloyd George and that says a lot.

Then there's Betsy DeVos in the USA, Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter - but Ann Coulter is entertaining at least.

Around the world I don't know of enough women alive today genuinely in positions of power or responsibility who use their power for evil.

Roton Kumar Roy

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