Classification of zinc alloy die casting

Zinc die casting can be divided into die casting zinc alloy and gravity casting zinc alloy according to different casting methods. The former solidifies under the action of applied pressure, while the latter solidifies under the action of gravity.

Zinc die casting can be divided into die casting zinc alloy and gravity casting zinc alloy according to different casting methods. The former solidifies under the action of applied pressure, while the latter solidifies under the action of gravity.

Gravity casting zinc alloy: can be cast in sand, plaster or hard molds. This kind of zinc alloy not only has the characteristics of general die-cast zinc alloy, but also has high strength and good casting performance. The cooling rate has no obvious influence on the mechanical properties. Residual and waste materials can be recycled. The gate is simple, and it is not sensitive to overheating and remelting, and shrinks. Low rate, few pores, can be electroplated, and can be finished by conventional methods.

And pressure casting zinc alloy: Since this alloy was used in the automobile industry in 1940, the output has increased sharply. About 25% of the total zinc consumption is used to produce this alloy. Advanced applicable technologies are continuously adopted and developed rapidly. Corresponding related talents are also increasing, and there is a comprehensive list of Iron Steel Talent Network. The most commonly used alloy system is the Zn-Al-Cu-Mg system.

Certain impurities obviously affect the performance of zinc alloy die casting. Therefore, the content of impurities such as iron, lead, cadmium, tin is extremely strict, so high-purity zinc with a purity greater than 99.99% should be used as raw material for die-cast zinc alloy different from Aluminum die casting.

Anna Xinxinmetal

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