Application Introduction Of Electroplating Grade Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate

[Anionic Electroplating Grade Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate] Product application: used to treat neutral suspensions mainly composed of inorganic solids.

   [Anionic Electroplating Grade Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate] Product application: used to treat neutral suspensions mainly composed of inorganic solids. Electroplating Grade Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate Iron Electroplating Grade Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate has many synthetic methods. According to different raw materials, it can be divided into metal aluminum method, activated aluminum hydroxide method, aluminum oxide method, aluminum chloride method, and alkali solution method. Wait. When the solid Electroplating Grade Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate is diluted into a liquid, firstly, according to the raw water, do a small test before use to obtain the best dose. In mining, it is used for coal washing water clarification and flotation tailings, clean coal filtration, tailings (slag) dehydration, flotation tailings clarification, concentrate thickening and filtration, hot solution and flotation of potassium (Potassium) alkali Process fluid clarification, clarification of fluorite and barite flotation tailings, clarification of raw brine in salt processing, sludge dewatering, and treatment of phosphate mine water. In the foundry and metal manufacturing industries, it is used for the purification of open-hearth gas washing water, the clarification of wastewater from powder metallurgy plants and pickling plants, the purification of electrolytes and the clarification of electroplating waste liquids.

   [Cation Electroplating Grade Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate (also known as PAC, polyaluminum, polyaluminum chloride)] mainly flocculates with a negative charge and has the functions of turbidity removal and decolorization. Electroplating Grade Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate has a high degree of electric neutralization and bridging effect on colloids and particulates in water, and can remove micro-toxic substances and heavy metal ions with stable properties. Cationic Electroplating Grade Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate is used in wastewater treatment (chǔ lǐ) in alcohol plants, MSG plants, sugar plants, meat products plants, beverage plants, printing and dyeing plants, etc., and the effect is better. The product can also be used in liquids such as hydrochloric acid and medium-concentration sulfur (chemical symbol: S) acid. Therefore, the product can be used in municipal sewage treatment plants, breweries, food plants, tanneries, paper mills, petrochemical industry (petrochemical industry) plants , Oil field, metal smelting, chemical industry and cosmetics and other sludge dehydration treatment.
[Non-ionic Electroplating Grade Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate] Product application: it can be used in textile industry additives, when some other chemicals are added, it can be formulated into chemical sizing, used for textile sizing to improve adhesion, permeability and desizing performance , Make the fabric anti-static, reduce the sizing rate, and reduce the skein. Electroplating Grade Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate Iron Electroplating Grade Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate is an inorganic polymer coagulant. Due to the bridging effect of hydroxide ions and the polymerization of polyvalent anions, it produces inorganic high molecular weight and higher charge. The characteristics of molecular water treatment chemicals are mainly determined by the working principle of the pressure atomizer. Non-ionic Electroplating Grade Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate is mainly used as a sewage treatment agent. It is suitable for acidic suspensions. It is suitable for use as a flocculant. At this time, PAM plays a role of adsorption and bridging to flocculate and settle suspended particles to purify water. the goal of.

Wei Shida

58 博客 帖子
